Baronial Offices Our Barony is the one of the baronies within the North Oaken Region of the Middle Kingdom within the SCA. Looking to learn and participate, contact a baronial officers. BARON OF THE MIDDLE MARCHES Baron Uilleag Balbhán[email protected] BARONESS OF THE MIDDLE MARCHES Baroness Slany bean Uillic[email protected] SENESCHAL Astemari Zahra Tesfaye, OP[email protected] EXCHEQUER Lord Paulus Dyrrhochiou[email protected] HERALD Lord Steve of Tirnewydd[email protected] CHATELAINE Lady Macrina Archangela Paladini[email protected] ARMORED COMBAT MARSHAL Count Alric of the Mists[email protected] RAPIER MARSHAL Dread Countess Katherine Vivians[email protected] ARCHERY MARSHAL Duke Cellach MacChormach[email protected] THROWN WEAPONS MARSHAL Baron Eirik the Elder[email protected] MINISTER OF ARTS & SCIENCES Lord Ulfgard Rohofsson [email protected] CHRONICLER Lady Nicola Newton[email protected] SIGNET Lady Tegan Marie Silvertree[email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA OFFICER Lord Iofurr Stormbeard Ormarsson[email protected] WEBMINISTER Baron Uilleag Balbhán[email protected]